Elon Musk, Predlogi naslovov Jacka Dorseyja za manjšo anonimnost na Twitterju

Nekdanji CEO Twitterja Jack Dorsey in Elon Musk, Generalni direktor Tesle in novi lastnik Twitterja, so obravnavali predloge, da bi morala biti platforma družbenih medijev manj anonimna. Klinična psihologinja dr. Jordan B. Peterson je med uporabniki, ki želijo manj…

Soglasje Ethereum Pivot to Proof-of-Stake uporabnike skrbi glede možnosti cenzure na ravni protokola

The upcoming consensus change that Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is planning to execute in September has worried many users about the possibility of censorship happening at a protocol level. This means that, even by interacting directly with

Kripto igralnice je 'nemogoče namestiti, ker igra gostuje v verigi blokov' – ocenjevalec spletnih igralnic

According to an igaming expert, Keane Ecclestone, crypto casinos are increasingly popular with bettors that value their privacy and security. While some perceive crypto casinos to be riskier than traditional online gambling platforms, Ecclestone believes bettors can play safely by choosing

Uncovering Terra’s Implosion — Terraform Labs’ Big Name Backers and ‘Zero Exposure’ Claims

Digital currency markets have continued to slide downward in value as the crypto economy has dropped by 14% during the past 24 ure. Amid the market rout, the native Terra blockchain token LUNA has dropped to fresh new lows, slipping to

Crypto Mixing Tools Tornado.cash and Cashfusion Obscure More Than $8 Billion in Transactions

While blockchain monitoring has increased a great deal during the last few years, cryptocurrency mixers have seen significant use from those who dont want their financial transactions tracked. medtem, two mixing applications, Tornado.cash and Cashfusion, have helped crypto owners make their

Letni obseg kripto transakcij, ki jih opravijo Rusi, dosega $5 milijarde, Ugotovitve Banke Rusije

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto